BiblioNexus FAQs

We know you have questions, and we believe we have the answers for getting your open-source Bible translation software project off the ground. Please check below and if you don’t find the answers you’re looking for, let’s connect!

BiblioNexus FAQs

How do Bible translation organizations engage with BiblioNexus?

It’s simple, just reach out. We will review details of your project with you and help you determine whether BiblioNexus is the right fit.

How does BiblioNexus prioritize projects for engagement?

We prioritize projects based on the ability to create positive impact in the Bible translation ecosystem with a special emphasis on those that directly contribute to our partners’ success and the achievement of ETEN’s All Access Goals.

Does BiblioNexus engage with every Bible translation organization requesting assistance?

No. The BiblioNexus bias is always to engage, but certain project types may not be a good fit. In those cases, BiblioNexus Digital Product Studio will say “no” and do its best to connect you with other potentially useful resources, consultants or other development organizations. Contact BiblioNexus if you’d like to discuss your project.

Are software products produced by BiblioNexus licensed as open source?

Yes. Consistent with the desires of its partners and ETEN, each product becomes part of the Bible translation open-source community.

Is BiblioNexus a source for supplementary or freelance software development resources for Bible translation organizations?

No. BiblioNexus is a digital product studio that provides top talent in terms of software engineering and all of the other capabilities required to successfully build and launch software products. While supplemental technical help may be the only requirement for internal projects, a digital product studio could be a better fit for cross-organizational product development and launches.

How does BiblioNexus compensate its core team members?

Talented software professionals want to work in a technology-centric culture and are accustomed to compensation packages that include salary and stock options. We pay market salaries and offer benefits like a hybrid work environment that attract and retain top talent. Of course, BiblioNexus replaces stock options with heavenly crowns and gives people an opportunity to work with others who are bought into the BiblioNexus mission.

Does BiblioNexus accept resumes from top talent working for Bible translation organizations?

BiblioNexus does not entertain interest from such talent unless and until the individual has already communicated their intent to exit their existing Bible translation organization and is in active pursuit of other opportunities.

What are the growth goals for BiblioNexus in terms of revenue and number of employees?

Our primary focus is on quality of work, not quantity, with the most important metric being positive impact on All Access Goals. We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

What is the BiblioNexus Software Foundation?

Also known as the Bible Software Foundation, the BiblioNexus Software Foundation provides legal and technical infrastructure to make it easier for Bible translation organizations to work together to develop software.